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    It seems a no brainer that the reason they are having the audio transcribed is so that they can train their own speech recognition model with actual data samples from their own software services. The transcription constitutes “tagging” of the data, which is a necessary manual process. Then you do training with 3/4 of the tagged data samples for training, and another 1/4 for “validation”, and refine your model to do speech recognition.

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      Add to your list of inauthenticity: the claim amongst people who value such distinctions that Kamala Harris isn’t really a “Black American”


      Pity the fools who obsess over their tribal membership.

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        My cynical take in favor of the opposite side of the argument:

        1. Welfare issues will not be resolved through political discourse. It will require a crisis. Until crisis it will escalate. It will also serve as a tool of political manipulation. Resolution of transfer payments as a condition reduced authoritarianism at the borders is the same as asking for authoritarianism until the collapse.

        2. Why only worry about immigrants and welfare? Why not kick all the domestically produced deadbeats off welfare, rather than shut out opportunity for many hard working laborers who want to come here and do dirty jobs for low pay? Because they walked over the line that divides this tax farm from that tax farm?

        3. Are current levels of immigration are any worse than they have ever been? I suspect that immigration is actually a political football in play, which both sides use to activate their base. It seems there is no middle ground.

        4. My conservative and disciplinarian impulse gets the law and order argument. I often feel the same way about the issue, actually.

        On the other hand… following Robert Higgs Anarchism or William N Grigg’s “Tom Joad Test” I would rather be in support of Humanity against the cold harsh incompetent State than agree to appoint as my agent abusive functionaries to protect me from a fear mongered issue.

        I want to believe the overwhelming number of immigrants are not major threats, but are legitimately seeking to trade labor for money. They will be swept up as collateral damage. The State will aggregate more power unto itself without solving any problem (the problems are the rationale for its existence and growth in power). It will appoint incompetent and abusive functionaries who will create ever more scandalous conditions such as we are already seeing.

        The long term effect of this immigration crackdown is the destruction of the American Brand. America’s Soft Power is already declining and this is another big arrow into her heart.

        The myth that the United States was a welcoming place at least somewhat counter balanced the suspicion that it is just a lying Imperialist Country intent on bossing the world. Loss of the Brand is going to have huge consequences.

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          You raise good points.

          1.) Not sure I agree. Unless you are making a case for soft-authoritarianism (involuntary payroll deduction) vs. hard-authoritarianism (being kept in a cage).

          2.) I don’t propose ending welfare for only immigrants. I propose ending welfare for anyone and everyone. [And to prove I’m a hypocrite, I would exempt Social Security, but for only for enough time to terminate the program without harming those who relied on it for retirement. And mortality eventually solves that problem.]

          3.) Again, I can be persuaded to open the border to any and all comers who can get here and make it here without being a drain on the public treasury. No public school (for anyone). No public housing. No public medicine. I’d even be open to reinstituting contracts of indenture. If Google wants to transport, house and feed you in exchange of 5 years of crappy wages, go for it.

          4.) I would rather have a taco-eating, baseball-loving, beer-drinking (Can’t say Chevy-driving anymore, as they are welfare queens too.) Mexican as a neighbor than an elite socialist from Denmark any day and twice on Sunday. It’s not a feeling. It’s a desire to preserve what I love about America. Self-sufficiency. Independence. A streak of defiance when necessary and an instinct to man the barricades when the chips are down. Whether that’s enlisting after a Pearl Harbor event, or filling and stacking sandbags when the river rises. I don’t give a rat’s patuti what holidays someone celebrates, or the food they eat, or the gods they pray to.