Moderation Log

Date/Time Moderator Story/Comment/User, Action, Reason
2024-06-03 21:27 -0500 declan Story: "Oppression Olympics": 'Queers For Palestine' Protestors Clash With Pride Parade In Philly
Action: changed title from "\"Oppression Olympics\": 'Queers For Palestine' Protestors Interrupt, Clash With Pride Parade In Streets Of Philadelphia | ZeroHedge" to "\"Oppression Olympics\": 'Queers For Palestine' Protestors Clash With Pride Parade In Philly"
2024-04-28 15:11 -0500 declan Story: Don Kilmer: A Level Playing Field for Bad Guys is Dumb
Action: changed description from "![Stones photo](\r\n\r\n**By [Don Kilmer](/u/don)**\r\n\r\n*Posted October 3, 2019 9:00 PM PT*\r\n\r\nI'm a proud gun nut. That means I often take friends, family, and acquaintances to the range to introduce them to shooting sports.\r\n\r\nI've had the pleasure of hosting the curious, the neophyte, and even political opponents. Once I was teaching a friend’s daughters—10 and 12 years old—to shoot a rifle. He was a shotgun guy and didn’t own any rifles. We met at the range with two goals: to teach gun safety, and test the girls' enthusiasm.\r\n\r\nMy favorite tool for that purpose is my semi-automatic [Ruger 10/22](, with a heavy precision barrel and a scope at the 50-yard range. After a safety class, we rested the rifle on sandbags to maximize accuracy.\r\n\r\nThe beauty of using a small-bore scoped rifle to introduce a new shooter to the sport is that they get the instant gratification of seeing well-placed shots. Because their spotting scope is attached to their rifle, they can see instantly what works and what doesn't for each shot. And because the Ruger 10-22 is a semi-automatic rifle, it lets them develop a rhythm, which instills good habits, which in turn builds muscle memory.\r\n\r\nThere's something soul-satisfying when an old shooter like me watches the concentration on the face of a young shooter as they start their course of fire. The payoff comes with a smile as all 10 of their shots hit inside the 7-ring, with one or two in the 10-ring. Nothing cements a new shooter’s enthusiasm for the sport more quickly than the confidence that comes from a target that's worth showing off later.\r\n\r\nI'll never forget what this young shooter said next: “I was just getting the hang of it when the bullets ran out. Can’t we load more than 10 next time?” Alas, we were in California. I explained the limits set by state law. Her brow furrowed. She thought for a moment, then replied: “That’s dumb.”\r\n\r\nOne of the popular gun-control measures advanced today is the banning of “large-capacity magazines,\" also known as standard-capacity magazines. Usually this means banning any ammunition feeding device able to hold more than 10 rounds, though some states like New York [have imposed]( ) a lower 7-round limit. \r\n\r\nSupporters of such laws make two arguments:\r\n\r\n1. It will limit carnage at possible future mass shootings by forcing the attacker to halt and change magazines every 5, 7, or 10 shots; and\r\n2. When the attacker pauses to change magazines, it may be possible to take him out or for victims to seek cover.\r\n\r\nOthers have described the tactical fallacies on which these arguments rest. Why would swapping magazines limit carnage if it takes two seconds? What if the attacker has multiple guns?\r\n\r\nThe philosophic fallacy is what I find most problematic. Why would we expect a person plotting murder to comply with a regulation limiting magazine capacity? Should we limit motor vehicles to 25 miles per hour to limit carnage caused by drunk drivers or people who text while driving?\r\n\r\nWhy should society handicap the law-abiding to limit the lawless? According to some versions, Cain slew Abel with one of the first “weapons of war”–a mere rock. David faced Goliath with only his staff, a sling, and five rocks taken from a brook near the battlefield. Our earliest writings teach us that weapons have no pedigree for good or evil. They can be wielded by the wicked or the righteous.\r\n\r\nThese accounts should remind us that the question of how to arm yourself against a threat is best left to the person actually facing that threat. Whether David used all five stones or only one, the principle remains the same. Weapons that are useful to those of us wishing to do good should not be hamstrung because they might be misused by those intent on evil. King Saul did not limit David’s \"magazine\" of rocks as he faced Goliath.\r\n\r\nPlacing 10 shots in the 7-ring, at a range, with a scope, using sandbags, with only the stress of trying to beat the score of your sister is one thing. Shot placement under the stress of defending your life or the lives of your loved ones is something entirely different. The last thing the virtuous need is to be intentionally crippled by their government when they must face evil.\r\n\r\nIf Cain’s use of a single rock was sufficient to kill, why not limit David’s rock-magazine capacity when he faced Goliath? Because, in the words of one girl wise beyond her years: “That’s dumb.”\r\n\r\n______________________________________\r\n\r\n*[Don Kilmer]( is a Second Amendment litigator and an editor of Talking.*" to "![Stones photo](\r\n\r\n**By [Don Kilmer](/u/don)**\r\n\r\n*Posted October 3, 2019 9:00 PM PT*\r\n\r\nI'm a proud gun nut. That means I often take friends, family, and acquaintances to the range to introduce them to shooting sports.\r\n\r\nI've had the pleasure of hosting the curious, the neophyte, and even political opponents. Once I was teaching a friend’s daughters—10 and 12 years old—to shoot a rifle. He was a shotgun guy and didn’t own any rifles. We met at the range with two goals: to teach gun safety, and test the girls' enthusiasm.\r\n\r\nMy favorite tool for that purpose is my semi-automatic [Ruger 10/22](, with a heavy precision barrel and a scope at the 50-yard range. After a safety class, we rested the rifle on sandbags to maximize accuracy.\r\n\r\nThe beauty of using a small-bore scoped rifle to introduce a new shooter to the sport is that they get the instant gratification of seeing well-placed shots. Because their spotting scope is attached to their rifle, they can see instantly what works and what doesn't for each shot. And because the Ruger 10-22 is a semi-automatic rifle, it lets them develop a rhythm, which instills good habits, which in turn builds muscle memory.\r\n\r\nThere's something soul-satisfying when an old shooter like me watches the concentration on the face of a young shooter as they start their course of fire. The payoff comes with a smile as all 10 of their shots hit inside the 7-ring, with one or two in the 10-ring. Nothing cements a new shooter’s enthusiasm for the sport more quickly than the confidence that comes from a target that's worth showing off later.\r\n\r\nI'll never forget what this young shooter said next: “I was just getting the hang of it when the bullets ran out. Can’t we load more than 10 next time?” Alas, we were in California. I explained the limits set by state law. Her brow furrowed. She thought for a moment, then replied: “That’s dumb.”\r\n\r\nOne of the popular gun-control measures advanced today is the banning of “large-capacity magazines,\" also known as standard-capacity magazines. Usually this means banning any ammunition feeding device able to hold more than 10 rounds, though some states like New York [have imposed]( ) a lower 7-round limit. \r\n\r\nSupporters of such laws make two arguments:\r\n\r\n1. It will limit carnage at possible future mass shootings by forcing the attacker to halt and change magazines every 5, 7, or 10 shots; and\r\n2. When the attacker pauses to change magazines, it may be possible to take him out or for victims to seek cover.\r\n\r\nOthers have described the tactical fallacies on which these arguments rest. Why would swapping magazines limit carnage if it takes two seconds? What if the attacker has multiple guns?\r\n\r\nThe philosophic fallacy is what I find most problematic. Why would we expect a person plotting murder to comply with a regulation limiting magazine capacity? Should we limit motor vehicles to 25 miles per hour to limit carnage caused by drunk drivers or people who text while driving?\r\n\r\nWhy should society handicap the law-abiding to limit the lawless? According to some versions, Cain slew Abel with one of the first “weapons of war”–a mere rock. David faced Goliath with only his staff, a sling, and five rocks taken from a brook near the battlefield. Our earliest writings teach us that weapons have no pedigree for good or evil. They can be wielded by the wicked or the righteous.\r\n\r\nThese accounts should remind us that the question of how to arm yourself against a threat is best left to the person actually facing that threat. Whether David used all five stones or only one, the principle remains the same. Weapons that are useful to those of us wishing to do good should not be hamstrung because they might be misused by those intent on evil. King Saul did not limit David’s \"magazine\" of rocks as he faced Goliath.\r\n\r\nPlacing 10 shots in the 7-ring, at a range, with a scope, using sandbags, with only the stress of trying to beat the score of your sister is one thing. Shot placement under the stress of defending your life or the lives of your loved ones is something entirely different. The last thing the virtuous need is to be intentionally crippled by their government when they must face evil.\r\n\r\nIf Cain’s use of a single rock was sufficient to kill, why not limit David’s rock-magazine capacity when he faced Goliath? Because, in the words of one girl wise beyond her years: “That’s dumb.”\r\n\r\n\r\n______________________________________\r\n\r\n*[Don Kilmer]( is a Second Amendment litigator and an editor of Talking.*"
2020-10-12 17:55 -0500 declan Comment by asc on Pittsburgh judge slaps down city's anti-gun, anti-self defense ordinances for violating state law
Action: deleted comment
Reason: test
2020-10-12 17:55 -0500 declan Comment by asc on Democrat-appointed judge blocks Alabama's anti-abortion law, despite exception for health of mother
Action: deleted comment
Reason: test
2020-10-12 17:55 -0500 declan Comment by asc on Democrat-appointed judge blocks Alabama's anti-abortion law, despite exception for health of mother
Action: deleted comment
Reason: test
2020-10-12 17:54 -0500 declan Comment by asc on David Horowitz: The Civil War Started When Democrats Seceded From the Union in 2016
Action: deleted comment
Reason: test
2020-10-12 17:53 -0500 declan Comment by asc on Why Is YouTube Protecting the Southern Poverty Law Center?
Action: deleted comment
Reason: test
2020-10-12 17:46 -0500 declan Comment by asc on Don Kilmer: Reason or Force. Pick One
Action: deleted comment
Reason: test
2020-10-12 17:46 -0500 declan Comment by asc on Don Kilmer: Reason or Force. Pick One
Action: deleted comment
Reason: test
2020-10-12 17:46 -0500 declan Comment by asc on Don Kilmer: Reason or Force. Pick One
Action: deleted comment
Reason: test
2020-10-12 17:45 -0500 declan Comment by asc on People's Republic of Calif. asks 9th Circuit to review magazine ban after losing 2-1 two weeks ago
Action: deleted comment
Reason: test
2020-10-12 17:44 -0500 declan Comment by asc on Suspect in Murder of Trump Supporter: “I’m 100% Antifa All the Way”
Action: deleted comment
Reason: test
2020-10-12 17:44 -0500 declan Comment by asc on Joseph Rosenbaum & Anthony Huber Criminal Records Explored
Action: deleted comment
Reason: test
2020-10-12 17:44 -0500 declan Comment by asc on Why Trump Doesn’t Just 'Send In the Troops'
Action: deleted comment
Reason: test
2020-10-12 17:44 -0500 declan Comment by asc on DOJ to Seek Congressional Curbs on Immunity for Internet Companies
Action: deleted comment
Reason: test
2020-10-12 17:43 -0500 declan Comment by asc on People's Republic of Calif. asks 9th Circuit to review magazine ban after losing 2-1 two weeks ago
Action: deleted comment
Reason: test
2020-08-26 18:59 -0500 declan Story: Wisconsin Department of Justice confirms Jacob Blake "had a knife" when shot (Rioters: Whoops!)
Action: changed url from "" to ""
2020-08-08 07:25 -0500 edipser Story: The Perils of Pretending a War is Something Else
Action: changed title from "The Perils of Pretending a War is Something Else - Frontpagemag" to "The Perils of Pretending a War is Something Else"
2020-07-09 18:37 -0500 declan Story: Black Lives Matter leader: "White people are a genetic defect," Allah help me not to "kill" them
Action: changed title from "Black Lives Matter: \"White people are a genetic defect,\" begs Allah for strength not to \"kill\" them" to "Black Lives Matter leader: \"White people are a genetic defect,\" Allah help me not to \"kill\" them"
2020-07-04 19:09 -0500 declan Tag: culturalrevolution
Action: Created new tag with id '78', with tag 'culturalrevolution', with description 'Cultural Revolution in America', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with inactive 'false', with hotness_mod '0.01'
2020-06-24 12:21 -0500 declan Story: Antifa and Muslim Groups Plan to 'Police Minneapolis Under Muslim Rule'
Action: changed title from "Antifa and Muslim Groups Plan to 'Police Minneapolis Under Muslim Rule' - Frontpagemag" to "Antifa and Muslim Groups Plan to 'Police Minneapolis Under Muslim Rule'"
2020-06-15 18:33 -0500 declan Story: SCOTUS out, time to build
Action: changed tags from "law gunrights" to "law gunrights supremecourt"
2020-05-31 14:58 -0500 declan Story: "They Are Outsiders" Minneapolis Officials Blame "White Supremacist... Terror Cells" For Rioting, Looting
Action: changed tags from "culturewars" to "culturewars insurrection"
2020-05-31 14:58 -0500 declan Story: Minneapolis Riots Are a Reminder that Police Don't Protect You or Your Property
Action: changed tags from "crime gunrights" to "crime gunrights insurrection"
2020-05-31 14:58 -0500 declan Story: Scenes of ‘Urban Warfare’ Erupt from Miami to Seattle
Action: changed tags from "civilwar2" to "civilwar2 insurrection"
2020-05-31 14:58 -0500 declan Story: Appeals for Calm as Sprawling Protests Threaten to Spiral Out of Control
Action: changed tags from "civilwar2" to "civilwar2 insurrection"
2020-05-31 14:57 -0500 declan Story: Antifa has hijacked protests of George Floyd’s death and turned them into riots
Action: changed tags from "civilwar2" to "civilwar2 insurrection"
2020-05-31 14:57 -0500 declan Story: Santa Ana: Activists Beg Rioters Not to Loot Minority-Owned Businesses
Action: changed tags from "civilwar2" to "civilwar2 insurrection"
2020-05-31 14:57 -0500 declan Story: Mysterious Brick Piles Appear Throughout Major Protest Cities
Action: changed tags from "civilwar2" to "civilwar2 insurrection"
2020-05-31 14:57 -0500 declan Story: This is an organized attack designed to destabilize civil society
Action: changed tags from "civilwar2 crime culturewars firstamendment mediajackals preparedness gunrights socialism" to "civilwar2 crime culturewars firstamendment mediajackals preparedness gunrights socialism insurrection"
2020-05-31 14:57 -0500 declan Story: NYPD officer rams into crowd of George Floyd protesters in Brooklyn
Action: changed tags from "civilwar2" to "civilwar2 insurrection"
2020-05-31 14:56 -0500 declan Tag: insurrection
Action: Updating tag insurrection, changed tag from 'Insurrection' to 'insurrection'
2020-05-31 14:55 -0500 declan Tag: insurrection
Action: Created new tag with id '77', with tag 'Insurrection', with description 'Insurrection by Antifa, far-left violent agitators', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with inactive 'false', with hotness_mod '0.01'
2020-05-29 11:35 -0500 declan Story: CNN #MediaJackals show up in middle of Minneapolis riots, get arrested, colleagues wax indignant
Action: changed title from "CNN #MediaJackals show up in middle of Minneapolis riots, get arrested, colleagues are indignant" to "CNN #MediaJackals show up in middle of Minneapolis riots, get arrested, colleagues wax indignant"
2020-05-23 22:24 -0500 declan Story: President Trump: “I have a chance to break the deep state. An interview with Sharyl Attkisson
Action: changed title from "President Trump: “I have a chance to break the deep state.” An exclusive interview on “Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson” | Sharyl Attkisson" to "President Trump: “I have a chance to break the deep state. An interview with Sharyl Attkisson"
2020-05-18 12:49 -0500 declan Story: Google Erases the Existence of Those Who Speak Unwelcome Truths
Action: changed title from "Google Erases the Existence of Those Who Speak Unwelcome Truths - Frontpagemag" to "Google Erases the Existence of Those Who Speak Unwelcome Truths"
2020-05-06 10:57 -0500 declan Story: 'Mrs. America': Phyllis Schlafly and the Battle to Stop the ERA
Action: changed title from "'Mrs. America': Phyllis Schlafly and the Battle to Stop the ERA - Frontpagemag" to "'Mrs. America': Phyllis Schlafly and the Battle to Stop the ERA", changed tags from "culturewars feminism" to "culturewars feminism history"
2020-05-03 16:20 -0500 declan Story: Michigan's Whitmer says armed protesters displayed 'worst racism and awful parts' of US history
Action: merged into io1zw1 (Media And Gun Control Groups Paint Lawful Michigan Protesters As Anti-Government Racists)
2020-05-02 23:48 -0500 declan Tag: donkilmer
Action: Updating tag donkilmer, changed hotness_mod from '8.0' to '7.0'
2020-04-23 15:56 -0500 (Users) User GunTube
Action: changed own username from "michael" to "GunTube"
2020-04-21 18:56 -0500 declan Tag: endthelockdown
Action: Created new tag with id '76', with tag 'endthelockdown', with description 'End the COVID-19 coronavirus "emergency" lockdown', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with inactive 'false', with hotness_mod '0.01'
2020-04-18 15:36 -0500 declan Tag: donkilmer
Action: Updating tag donkilmer, changed hotness_mod from '9.0' to '8.0'
2020-04-18 15:34 -0500 declan Tag: donkilmer
Action: Updating tag donkilmer, changed hotness_mod from '10.0' to '9.0'
2020-04-17 11:38 -0500 declan Story: The Left is Panicking That the Pandemic Will Encourage Homeschooling
Action: changed title from "The Left is Panicking That the Pandemic Will Encourage Homeschooling - Frontpagemag" to "The Left is Panicking That the Pandemic Will Encourage Homeschooling"
2020-04-10 11:56 -0500 declan Story: Progressive Destruction: The Pandemic is the Perfect Time to Abolish the Family
Action: changed title from "Progressive Destruction: The Pandemic is the Perfect Time to Abolish the Family - Frontpagemag" to "Progressive Destruction: The Pandemic is the Perfect Time to Abolish the Family"
2020-03-27 23:37 -0500 (Users) User jsndavis
Action: changed own username from "jd" to "jsndavis"
2020-03-26 13:59 -0500 declan Story: Gordon Brown calls for global government to tackle coronavirus
Action: changed tags from "pandemics" to "pandemics emergencyabuse"
2020-03-25 18:03 -0500 declan Story: California preparing for worst case scenarios; martial law a possibility
Action: changed tags from "california pandemics" to "california pandemics emergencyabuse"
2020-03-25 18:02 -0500 declan Story: Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) - "I'm Seeing No Discussions About Limits Of State And Federal Power"
Action: changed tags from "civilwar2 democrats deepstate economics elites mediajackals preparedness socialism pandemics" to "civilwar2 democrats deepstate economics elites mediajackals preparedness socialism pandemics emergencyabuse"
2020-03-25 18:02 -0500 declan Story: I am an American constitutional lawyer – and I see our government using Covid-19 to take away our fundamental rights
Action: changed tags from "law pandemics" to "law pandemics emergencyabuse"