1. 1


    No, no, no, no, no, no and no.



    1. 1

      Mr. & Mrs. Sunstein.

      El Guapo.

      BigTech/Comms bosses with all the AI spyware they can generate.

      1. 1

        Part of the new recruiting/interview sessions: Not ‘will you’, but ‘you will’ open fire on so-called ‘patriots’ when - not if - when ordered to do so.

        1. 1

          Must-read new ‘snarkticle’ at The Babylon Bee covering the hero frat boys….. Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, and Dylan.

          Heh. 😎 🤣


          1. 1

            Democrat/ICR2P agenda-shoving Google has interfered with elections 41 times per hour, per day over the last 16 years.

            There. Fixed it for you.


            1. 1

              Gun grabber, pro-unfetterd abortion.

              No thanks.

              1. 1

                Brewster’s Millions….. Vote for ‘none of the above’.

                1. 1


                  The outright b-llsh-t in the official statement is beyond laughable.

                  Do you have any idea the tech and optics that can fit into a 2x2x2 cube, solar powered with a battery backup ?

                  Lookit yer smartypantsphone and consider the pastabilities.

                  1. 1

                    Honestly surprised the number is that high. I was thinking along the lines of 1% to 1.5% tops.

                    1. 1

                      Sunstein. His dream. Tried a few times when he was running part of the madness for El Guapo’s reign….. Remember The Delta Smelt ?

                      1. 1

                        Haven’t found out yet if the first production run has been recalled, or if that’s pending.


                        Sorry. I had to. Can’t help myself. :-P

                        1. 1

                          No, Kenny, you’re crazy, a bitter clinger, the oh-so-perfect Biden administration would never do what you’ve been saying for a long time, that the oh-so-perfect Biden administration will order our military to stop Israel.

                          It’s becoming more obvious by the day, that the next step after this is kinetic….. and why the treasonous Democrat filth sent not one, but two full carrier strike groups, plus a Marine RDF and more to the area ; to stop Israel.

                          1. 1

                            Take your pick of the nudge cause:

                            1. The peace-loving peace lovers started the ball rolling.

                            2. One of the vaunted (brand name obvious) EV’s spontaneously combusted - as they are known to do - and took everything with it.

                            3. A totally random and truly unfortunate electrical issue somewhere in the structure occurred a little too close to a vehicle or three and lit off the mess.

                            1. 1

                              Please allow me to restructure the header as to what she and the Democrats want:

                              Hillary Clinton: Open The FEMA Concentration Camps For Disposal Of All Republicans, Conservatives, Patriots, and others who believe they have individual rights.

                              1. 1

                                The most impressive thing to me in the news about it: The Democrats are slipping. Nowhere in the article even hints that this is the fault of OrangeManBad, RepubliCants and other bitterly-clinging hate-mongering red-meat-eating gun-owning transphobic raaaaaaaaaaacist wypeepoe.


                                1. 1

                                  They’re not ‘errors’ if the numbers were falsified for agenda-shoving purposes.

                                  1. 1

                                    School board beeyatch-slapped the school. Kid can go for it.

                                    At least one teacher there (probably one of his too) has all sorts of Democrat agenda-shoving stuff on their vehicles (parked on school property), wears Democrat agenda-shoving buttons/t-shirts, etc….. stuff on classroom walls, etc.

                                    1. 1

                                      Fitch downgraded US long-term debt from AAA to AA+.

                                      A few minutes later, Sec. Yellen went off on the ratings service.

                                      A few minutes after that, President Dementia flat-out officially blamed OrangeManBad for everything.

                                      A few minutes after that, the distraction from the downgrade….. Supposedly, there’s been an active shooter in The US Senate complex.


                                      1. 1

                                        Supposedly, the entirety of the event will be live-streamed on BookFace and SkrooToob.


                                        I betcha both will have ‘unexpected major technical issues’ all three days for the exact to-the-minute broadcast times, but those ‘unexpected technical issues’ will be present only at and around the immediate area of the venue.


                                        1. 1

                                          Transmania…. That’s where Dragula is from. Lives in Bran Cathle.


                                          I had to. Can’t stop myself.