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    The list of demands reads just like the Democrat Party platform.

    Of note, the mayor and police chief ordered Seattle PD to stand down, not engage in any manner…… The King County Sheriff - what a waste of a badge - radical lesbian activist Democrat (seriously) - Mitzi Johanknecht - give it a search…… Governor Inslee ordered the National Guard to stand down and leave the area as well.

    Please remember, the area taken over includes the now-abandoned East Precinct of the Seattle PD….. One tends to wonder if any ‘toys’ or ‘other equipment’ were purposely left behind for use by th…… Naaaaaaaaaaah. It can’t happen here.

    This is not gonna end well….. Somebody’s gonna do something even more stupid than has already happened, which leads me to wonder if there’s any even remotely sane citizens living in that six-square-block “Seattle Autonomous Zone” and their status.

    The federal government will probably need to step in and stop this insanity, Tenth Amendment issues don’t include a mayor and city government, a county sheriff and state government allowing violent insurrection.

    Personally, I think a complete shutdown of the area is required….. Power, water, sewer, etc….. and nobody comes out. You can go in, but there you stay….. Kind of like “Escape From NY”.