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    It’ll be the next nudge-to-shove for a cashless society to the one-world government (ICR2P)…. The scam, I mean the payments will be app-based on your smartypants phone and th….. What ? You don’t have a smartypants phone ?….. No worries, one will be provided free for you (paid for by taxpayers given no choice in the matter)…… The payments will be app-based on your smartypants phone and that will be the only way you’ll be allowed to spend that money - through the app, which also acts as an electronic debit card.

    Want to pay your rent with that money and your landlord (probably an evil scary wascawwy Wepubwican) is hesitating? Your landlord will be forced to purchase a vendor license and a specific model of smartypants phone dedicated to this scam, I mean this process…… Income taxes, business taxes and other fees (that we haven’t made up yet) payable by all vendors will be immediately deducted from transactions and th……. What ? What do you mean that’s not right ? Obey, or else.

    Subjects, I mean citizens receiving payments through the app will be restricted on what can be purchased through the app….. Kauf von waffen und munition ist verboten und zi ….. Oops. Can’t let that slip yet…… No purchasing, renting or otherwise obtaining evil scary-looking guns or accessories, No purchasing any items or services that contribute to global warmning, including any animal proteins (a.k.a. meat)….. Your every move will be tracked 24/7/365, voice recorded, video and th…… What ? A 4th Amendment violation ? What 4th Amendment ? Oh, the one that The US Supreme Court invalidated courtesy of Chief Justice TaxFee/FeeTax. Gotcha. Keep telling yourself there’s a 4th Amendment still in place.

    The Democrats are salivating over this.