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    At the Gateway page, a reader of the site called ‘Hauser Slot’ has the top comment at the time I’m posting this entry.

    Teh phunnie muchness:

    Biden: “Ah, there’s an interesting story behind this nickel. In 1957, I remember it was, I woke up in the morning and went to the bathroom - Then I got out of bed and made myself a piece of toast. I set the toaster to three: medium brown - the same color as the back of my shorts. “You’re going to ruin those shorts if you keep toastin’ in them” Mrs. Bouvier yelled at me. I first took a fancy to Mrs. Bouvier because her raspy voice reminded me of my old Victrola. Oh, it was a fine machine with a vulcanized rubber listening tube which you crammed in your ear. The tube would go in easier with some sort of lubricant like linseed oil or Doc Johnson… Then radio came along and replaced my old 78 rpms. Not many people know this, but I owned the first radio in Springfield. Not much on the air then, just Edison reciting the alphabet over and over. He’d say “A” then “B”… “C” would usually follow……”

    Heh. :-P

    I gotta chime in here, because…… because.

    Serious time.

    I feel sorry for him. He may know what’s happening to him, but won’t remember from day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute. Dementia/Alzheimer’s/ALS is a horrible thing to witness, let alone affect someone dear to you like a parent, relative or close friend. Been there, done that. Dementia took my dad.

    The real issue here though are the people surrounding the former vice president, especially his wife - a long-time medical professional - and those backing him with literally billions of dollars, with almost full control of the media and ‘social media’ who see Uncle Kid Sniffer as the only way to get somebody much much worse for our nation’s survival into the big chair at 1600. The agenda of total control is all that matters to them.