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    “AB 5’s vague language prevents even the closest observers from understanding the full effects the law will have come Jan. 1.”

    …..which is one of the the m.o.’s of typical Democrats (a.k.a. Totalitarians): Follow our thoroughly unclear orders to the letter, or else.

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      My first instinct was to feel sorry for these poor (figuratively and in some cases literally) freelance writers covering Hollywood. Their careers are in danger thanks to the “I’m from the government and I’m here to help you” leftist Dems in Sacramento.

      But then I remembered these freelancers are #MediaJackals. The first freelancer mentioned in the article writes articles for Yahoo listing “offensive” Halloween costumes including a border wall, arguing that there is an “environment of increasing political intolerance towards immigrants,” denouncing “fat shaming,” saying men should “stop acting like sexual predators,” and complaining about legal hunting. Another article accused President Trump of using Twitter to “manipulate and distract” Americans. And the Want To Be a Better Man? Get Into Therapy article must be real persuasive.

      Days are short. There’s not much time to feel sorry for leftists screwed over by their fellow leftists.