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    This is a moment of great division. It is a moment of demanding loyalties to one vision or the other. The communists offer a litmus test as do the patriots. The great population of America is filled with those unwilling to take a stand, unwilling to risk derision and criticism to stand for the ideals of freedom and opt to place their fealty in the hands of communists, they fail the litmus test of the patriot. They bend their knees before the communists in search of peace, but peace cannot be obtained through cowardice. Freedom is not achieved along the path of least resistance. It is not achieved through capitulation to slogans and coercion. It is obtained by taking the slings and arrows of derision and criticism and persisting to demand freedom and liberty for all. It is a moment when truth must prevail in the hearts of patriots and they must gain strength from it, despite the crowds of propagandists who strive with all their might to hide that truth behind false narratives and reports.

    If that wasn’t so lengthy, I’d put it on a t-shirt.