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abortion Abortion 203
ask Ask 0
audio Audio 8
bigtech Big tech & getting #Zucked   (hotness mod +0.1) 819
california California 648
campusspeech Campus speech & censorship 191
cars Cars, trucks, SUVs 45
catholicchurch Roman Catholic Church 220
christianity Christianity 314
civilwar2 Civil War 2.0, Secession, Partition   (hotness mod +0.15) 2107
conservativism Conservativism post-Trump 190
crime Crime 1174
culturalrevolution Cultural Revolution in America   (hotness mod +0.01) 2449
culturewars Culture Wars 2819
deathpenalty Death penalty   (hotness mod -0.01) 92
deepstate Deep State 1656
democrats The Democratic Party 2612
deplatforming Deplatforming by Big Tech   (hotness mod +0.05) 412
donaldtrump President Donald Trump 821
donkilmer Don Kilmer's original essays   (hotness mod +7.0) 27
drugs Drug legalization 14
economics Economics 942
education Education, elementary through post-grad 743
elites Elites 777
emergencyabuse Abuse of power during coronavirus or other "emergency"   (hotness mod +0.05) 1756
endthelockdown End the COVID-19 coronavirus "emergency" lockdown   (hotness mod +0.01) 479
environmentalism Environmentalism, climate change, EPA & regs 396
europe Europe, U.K., Brexit 193
events Events 513
family Family, children, and parenting 339
feminism Feminism 55
firearms Firearm product news, shooting events, announcements 246
firstamendment The First Amendment 2104
fixbigtech How to fix Big Tech: Remedies   (hotness mod +0.01) 85
foreignpolicy Foreign policy & diplomacy   (hotness mod -0.01) 232
gunrights Gun rights, self defense, and the Second Amendment   (hotness mod +0.16) 2574
health Health care, medicine & regulation 375
history History 713
immigration Immigration & the Border Wall 399
impeachment Impeachment and Senate trial   (hotness mod +0.02) 308
insurrection Insurrection by Antifa, far-left violent agitators   (hotness mod +0.01) 896
law Law & legislation 908
lawfare Lawfare   (hotness mod +0.05) 857
libertarianism Libertarianism 31
litigation Litigation and court opinions 642
mediajackals Media jackals 3179
meta Meta   (hotness mod -0.01) 6
military Military 259
pandemics Pandemics, infectious diseases, coronavirus, COVID-19, 2019-nCOV   (hotness mod +0.01) 845
paywall Paywalled stories   (hotness mod -0.01) 146
pdf PDF 258
police Police, sheriffs, law enforcement   (hotness mod -0.01) 471
politicizedscience Politicized Science 467
politics Politics, elections, 2020 campaign   (hotness mod -0.1) 1061
poll Polls and surveys   (hotness mod -0.01) 33
poverty Poverty 7
preparedness Preparedness for emergencies, TEOTWAWKI 1893
privacy Privacy & surveillance 220
rants Rants   (hotness mod -0.08) 3
redoubt Redoubt, aka America's intermountain west 53
religion Religion 51
republicans The Republican Party 195
reviews Reviews of guns, knives, books, etc. 28
satire Satire   (hotness mod -0.1) 321
sexpolitics Sex politics & identity 750
show Show 1
socialism Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Leftism 2065
supremecourt U.S. Supreme Court 652
taxes Taxes 101
technology Technology 176
terrorism Terrorism 213
transcript Transcript 11
video Video links 334
virginia Virginia   (hotness mod +0.01) 328
war War 346