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    BTW here’s a link to the poll description: https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/06/25/stark-partisan-divisions-in-americans-views-of-socialism-capitalism/

    And a bit more on the methodology: https://www.pewresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/FT_19.06.25_Socialism_Topline.pdf

    What’s interesting is that the pollsters also asked about views of the words: capitalism, libertarian, liberal, progressive, and conservative. Libertarian scored overall about as well as liberal, far better overall (though with weak “very positive” results) than I would have thought.

    The net positive views on socialism went from 29% in 2010 to 31% in 2011… to 42% in 2019. That’s a pretty big change in a short time: nearly a 50 percent increase in favorability.

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      Apparently Democrats still like capitalism but they have fallen in love (again) with socialism. Not sure where that will lead.

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        If this apparent love affair with socialism is increasing in intensity, where does it end? What’s the limiting factor?

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          It ends by going broke. That’s how it ends.

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            There was an article recently discussing the fact that there are no limiting factors on the left. Nobody gets banished from the left for going too far. This will blossom into full force if/when the economy turns sour again and especially if we see part 2 of the financial crisis.