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    The author of the linked article is correct. I would go further and say that the true goal of the intolerant left is not merely to make gun owners (and devout Christians, or dissenting white men and women, or MAGA hat wearers, or anyone holding a traditional view of sexual morality) “second class citizens.”

    Citizenship implies some residual rights, including the right to worship and the right to speak freely.

    The true goal of the intolerant left is more ambitious. The true goal is to deperson their opponents, to strip away their opponents’ constitutional rights (remember the Constitution is a “living document” that can be amended by judicial fiat), to indoctrinate their opponents’ children with leftist orthodoxy, and to force their opponents to remain silent or lose their jobs (”they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere”).

    Yesterday’s example: Virginia high school French teacher: “I was fired for not using transgender pronouns”

    Meanwhile, an apparent licensed medical doctor, Eugene Gu, says that that conservative commentator Ben Shapiro must be forcibly disarmed.

    This is how “red flag” laws will be used against conservative deplorable racist Nazi (never mind that Ben Shapiro is Jewish) white supremacist bitter clinger gun owners. This is why the left so badly wants them. Plus they are salivating over the prospect of resistance from the right.