Excerpt from linked article:
“Well, I’d like to think about it,” Trump said in an interview with Piers Morgan on ITV’s Good Morning Britain. “I’m going to seriously look at it.”
While Trump said he didn’t “love” the idea of a ban, he also was unhappy to see the frequency and severity of mass shootings in the U.S.
Gun owners were the one organized group supporting Candidate Trump in 2016. You’d think that he’d remember that. You’d also think that he would have learned that the left and its media allies will attack him no matter what he does, so might as well make his one organized group of supporters happy.
I’m not saying gun owners will vote Dem. It seems like all the Democratic candidates are talking up some new anti-gun law or another, with some edging toward outright buyback-then-confiscation (see “The Democratic Presidential Primary Is An Arms Race In Crazy”). Instead, pro-2A voters will simply stay home on Election Day…