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    The anti-constitutional left desperately wants to avoid a pro-constitutional ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court here. They are doing everything they can do to derail this case. For instance Democrat senators, no statesmen they, have threatened the justices with political reprisals. The threat is: “Drop the case or pay the price.” Of course if the justices bow to toadish political threats, more will follow. Paying the Danegeld sets a precedent.

    The left’s attempt to eliminate Americans’ inherent self-defense rights (which predated the Constitution and would exist even if the Second Amendment were repealed tomorrow) by dismissing this case involves “mootness.” The anti-constitutionalist states have argued that the case should not be heard because it is “moot,” a.k.a. New York City politicians panicking and scurrying like roaches to amend the law. Dismissing this lawsuit would reward these anti-constitutionalists.

    On November 15 the Justice Department wrote to the court saying they have reached a position on mootness. The linked brief explains what it is. It is nuanced and does not agree with New York State Rifle and Pistol Association on everything. But it is far better than what would be excreted by a Justice Department under a President Hillary or President Warren or President Harris.

    This is why pro-constitutionalists are voting for President Trump.