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    The author is Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire possible Democrat presidential candidate, who arguably has done more than anyone else to stoke the flames of our #cultureWars.

    It’s true that his support of free speech (at least on college campuses) seems to be sincere. He spoke about this back in 2014.

    But the linked article’s lamentations of a “bitter political division” that’s “fracturing the country even more deeply” ring hollow. This is a guy who is possibly the #1 funder of leftist groups–the same groups that are fostering this “bitter political division” and “fracturing the country even more deeply.”

    A National Review article from 2013 says Bloomberg was “spending $400 million of his own money to support Planned Parenthood, fund gay-marriage initiatives at the state level, and ‘back candidates who would further gun control and education.’” And: “Bloomberg’s ‘Philanthropies’ group backed Amendment 66 with millions of dollars; if passed, the law would have raised taxes in the state by around a billion dollars and switched out Colorado’s flat-rate income tax for one with two tiers.” Last month’s NYT: “The major gun control organizations, propelled by funding from supporters like Michael R. Bloomberg…”

    If Bloomberg wants to spend his money on charity, well, some art museum somewhere needs a new wing, right. But if his “charity” means fanning the culture war flames, it’s a bit hypocritical to complain about how hot they’ve become.