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    It could be a trap.

    Remember you have to leave your gun behind in your vehicle or at home if you want to enter the gun-free zone or do your lobby visit. Virginia state police, Capitol police, and Richmond police are doing lots of road closures, announced last week even before the “emergency” declaration. That means perhaps 10,000+ disarmed “deplorables” will be walking to and from their vehicles parked a long ways away.

    Lots of opportunities for things to go wrong.

    In my view VCDL should have said:

    In light of the Virginia Supreme Court’s decision not to overrule the Democrat governor’s ‘emergency’ gun-free zone, in clear violation of the 2012 state law preventing ‘emergency’ infringements on the right to carry handguns, we are canceling our planned rally with speakers. To do otherwise would endorse lawlessness by Democrats, and endanger our members by disarming them at a rally that violent elements of the left are planning to attend.

    Unfortunately, again in my view, VCDL did not do this. It doubled down on trying to get attendees for Monday’s rally in an email sent overnight and is asking for 50,000 gun owners to show up, 10,000 inside the “emergency” gun-free zone.

    VCDL is going ahead even though this rally is in hostile territory (the police are not on their site–VCDL’s so-far unsuccessful litigation names the Capitol police as a defendant).

    The Democrats have been voting along party lines for their anti-self defense bills. Does anyone think any of them will change their mind if a bunch of annoyed gun owners visit their offices Monday?

    The upside to continuing Monday’s event is small to nonexistent. The downside is bigger.

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      I read the entire article at “ColdFury”.

      I get it - it’s all possible/probable/likely given the typical Democrats overwhelming the system - nudge - etc.

      So with that being said, there’s an article up at ZeroHedge - it’s written by one of the people at ’NaturalNews”.

      I read the entire article at ZeroHedge.

      I get it - it’s all possible/probable/likely given the typical Democrats overwhelming the system - nudge - etc.

      But towards the end of the article, he who shall not be mentioned by me - ever (the initials A.J.) is mentioned there for saying ‘the deep state’ will do something.

      I get it - he who shall not be mentioned by me - ever (the initials A.J.) is well-beyond certifiable on multiple levels.

      So, just because Tyler at ZH thought to link the article through his place, I’m linking the ZeroHedge article with no excerpts quoted on this panel.


      Do what you will with the information there.

      KLS The American Survival Guide

      PS…… We took T.A.S.G. private. Sorry about that if you were looking in regularly. We were massively d.o.s. attacked continuously for several days from within US IP ranges - more than likely by or at least with the blessings of ‘them’ - The ‘deep state’, Googs, Cratodems, etc. The host/service pretty much couldn’t care less and did nothing to help. We took it private to a different host/service. Everything that was there is gone. Poof Given the nudge. We have some of the stuff saved as screen-grabs, but it’s too much of a p.i.t.a. to deal with reposting.