If there was any actual proper governance and law enforcement there, within minutes of ‘the forceful takeover of the area’, power, water and sewer would have been completely shut down, with a full perimeter set up not allowing anyone out without - at minimum - being arrested for sedition and any resistance at all, well….. sucks to be them, eh ?
But no….. Not in TypicalDemocratVille.
In TypicalDemocratVille, the mayor is standing with the violent treasonous filth and ordered the city police to stand down, plus abandon the local police precinct station. One member of the TypicalDemocratVille city council actually opened the doors to city hall letting in people who’s sole goal is the overthrow of the entire governing structure of our nation and inalienable rights of all citizens. The county sheriff is a total lost cause. The governor ordered the national guard out of the area and to not engage in any manner.
Think about something…… One or two decent hackers in the BLM/AntiFa crowd and every single TypicalDemocratVille citizens’ full government-held data will be in the hands of pure evil.
Nothing to see here. These are not the typical Democrats you are looking for. Move along.
If there was any actual proper governance and law enforcement there, within minutes of ‘the forceful takeover of the area’, power, water and sewer would have been completely shut down, with a full perimeter set up not allowing anyone out without - at minimum - being arrested for sedition and any resistance at all, well….. sucks to be them, eh ?
But no….. Not in TypicalDemocratVille.
In TypicalDemocratVille, the mayor is standing with the violent treasonous filth and ordered the city police to stand down, plus abandon the local police precinct station. One member of the TypicalDemocratVille city council actually opened the doors to city hall letting in people who’s sole goal is the overthrow of the entire governing structure of our nation and inalienable rights of all citizens. The county sheriff is a total lost cause. The governor ordered the national guard out of the area and to not engage in any manner.
Think about something…… One or two decent hackers in the BLM/AntiFa crowd and every single TypicalDemocratVille citizens’ full government-held data will be in the hands of pure evil.
Nothing to see here. These are not the typical Democrats you are looking for. Move along.