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    From the linked article:

    As The Texan previously reported, the factors that convinced Georgulas that her son is really her daughter include his affinity for the movie “Frozen” and his request to get a “girl toy” from McDonald’s. She also says he started expressing a wish to dress in girl’s clothing. But Jeff Younger recently explained in an interview that if James ever had any desire to wear dresses, it’s only because his mother started putting him in dresses and painting his nails when he was just 3-years-old. He claims that she used several other methods of manipulation, including locking the boy in his room and telling him that “the monsters only eat boys.” Jeff speculates that Georgulas would withhold affection from James if he did not act like a girl.

    And some children think they’re guinea pigs. As responsible adults, we play along with it for a while. But if dinner happens to be chicken, well, little guinea pigs are going to have to eat their chicken or go to bed hungry. Responsible adults do not feed children pretending to be guinea pigs their own poop (it’s a thing). Though that occasional diet might be less harmful, in the long run, than permanent chemical castration.

    Some mothers are, sadly, rather nuts. As responsible adults, we may occasionally need to intervene to shield the children. That society has instead intervened to shield the mother and allow her to continue her deranged behavior is disturbing.

    We may be living in the end times of the republic.