Texas State Representative Meza Introduces House Bill 196, Modification To Section 9.41 Of The State’s Penal Code (The ‘Castle Doctrine’).
I’m not saying that stealing is okay. All I’m saying is that it doesn’t warrant a death penalty. Thieves only carry weapons for self-protection and to provide the householder an incentive to cooperate. They just want to get their loot and get away. When the resident tries to resist is when people get hurt. If only one side is armed fewer people will be killed.
“In most instances the thief needs the money more than the homeowner does. The homeowner’s insurance we reimburse his losses. On balance, the transfer of property is likely to lead to a more equitable distribution of wealth. If my bill can help make this transfer a peaceful one so much the better.”
Yes, she’s completely serious.
Governor Greg Abbott:
“Let me be clear. The Castle Doctrine will not be reduced. We won’t force Texas homeowners to retreat. Especially with the crazy “defund police” ideas, homeowners need to protect themselves now more than ever. We will protect 2nd Amendment rights.” Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX)
Texas State Representative Meza Introduces House Bill 196, Modification To Section 9.41 Of The State’s Penal Code (The ‘Castle Doctrine’).
Yes, she’s completely serious.
Governor Greg Abbott: