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    This professor, Paul R. McHugh, is 88 years old. His title is University Distinguished Service Professor. He is important enough to have a program named after him (few faculty do) called the “Paul R. McHugh Program for Human Flourishing.” He is not merely a member of the prestigious National Academy of Medicine; he received an award from the Academy.

    Dr. McHugh is old enough, famous enough, and probably wealthy enough to be able to speak the truth without worrying about SJW anklebiters trying to censor him on behalf of leftist religious gender-agitprop. If he loses his Hopkins title, his life will not change. He may even be important enough that getting fired will deliver Hopkins a measurable, negative financial impact (at the very least it may mean that more normal people wake up to how SJW insanity is hollowing out once-great institutions).

    It is telling that Hopkins was willing to publish a 2016 essay by more junior faculty–complaining about Dr. McHugh’s truth telling on transgender issues–on its official news site. You will look in vain for Dr. McHugh’s essays on that topic granted the privilege of appearing there.

    This is more evidence that the activism around transgenderism is not actual “science” or “medicine.” It is ideology in drag. There are people who are suffering from gender dysphoria, true, but they need useful help, not to be sterilized at the hands of “medicine.”

    One almost suspects that the activism around transgenderism is in part designed to remind normals that they must genuflect at the altar or be deplatformed, lose their jobs, be subjected to Twitter hatemobs, etc. as deplorable hateful racist transphobic Nazis. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a man in a stiletto heel stamping on a human face — forever.