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    Hmm. This better be one real, real safe vaccine before words like “mandatory” get tossed around.

    If there are serious side effects that can be traced back to a “mandatory” vaccine, will politicians agree to be held civilly liable for damages?

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      The only thing in any mandatory vaccine will be a Bill Gates Foundation RFID system.

      And as far as mandatory goes, SCOTUS has upheld mandatory vaccinations - by force if necessary - since 1905. Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905).

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        The law in question in Jacobson v. Massachusetts did not make the vaccine mandatory. It was voluntary. If you chose to skip the vaccine, you had to pay a tax.

        The law in question, excerpted from the SCOTUS opinion, said:

        “the board of health of a city or town if, in its opinion, it is necessary for the public health or safety shall require and enforce the vaccination and revaccination of all the inhabitants thereof and shall provide them with the means of free vaccination. Whoever, being over twenty-one years of age and not under guardianship, refuses or neglects to comply with such requirement shall forfeit five dollars.

        Maybe that $5 would be $500 today after 100+ years of the government running the printing presses. But “pay a $500 tax if you don’t want the vaccine” is still better than “go to jail UNTIl you get the vaccine.”