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    Oh, my. Gov. Tim Walz, Democrat, is not happy about such open defiance. This is the same Minnesota governor who has a history of discriminating against religious freedom. He thought he would get away with it this time. He is not backing down:

    “As the Governor has said, this is a challenging situation for him personally and a challenging situation for him as a public official charged with protecting the health and safety of Minnesotans. He remains in routine communication with faith leader across the state and understands the toll this pandemic is taking on the spiritual health of Minnesotans. Governor Walz and the Minnesota Department of Health will be meeting with the Archdiocese this week.”

    Send in the police to arrest those dastardly Catholic archbishops! Thought criminals, all of ’em! Perp walk, please!

    Oh, wait. The Baptists are suing? And now even the Lutherans are openly defying the Endless Emergency? This is becoming politically inconvenient, even for a Democrat who doesn’t mind being known for opposing religious freedom:

    On behalf of the Minnesota North District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and the Minnesota South District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, we are reaching out to alert you to the attached correspondence that we have sent today to Lutheran churches across Minnesota. The letter indicates to our Minnesota churches that they may begin to reopen on Tuesday, May 26, with the first Sunday worship services occurring on Pentecost Sunday, May 31.