At least some Republican politicians have found their courage.
If the Dems want to impeach President Trump, they probably have the votes. So the normal honest upfront way to do it is to hold a vote to start the impeachment process, if that succeeds then hold a vote in committee, then hold a final floor vote to impeach or not. Again, they probably have enough Dems to win all these votes. It would also give a veneer of legitimacy to the process.
But instead the Dems are acting like, as Rep. Matt Gaetz said, “an angry pack of rabid hyenas.”
You can’t have rational discussions with an angry pack of rabid hyenas. The hyenas will not be satisfied until their prey is destroyed.
When you block all normal means of dissent, whether by ignoring the political will of you opponents or using the media to mock and abuse them, you build up the pressure. In 30+ years as an active conservative, I’ve never heard people so angry, so frustrated, so fed up. These emotions are supposed to be dissipated by normal political processes. But liberals are bottling them up. And they will blow. It’s only a matter of how…
What is the end game, liberals? Do you expect these people you despise to just take it? Do you think they’ll just shrug their shoulders and say, “Well, I guess we better comply?” Do you even know any real Americans? Do you think you’ll somehow be able to force them into obedience – for what is government power but force – after someone finally says “Enough?”..
The current liberal habit of shamelessly lying about their opponents makes civil debate impossible. Similarly, the mockery of non-liberals before stacked audiences of trained seals a la Jon Stewart is part and parcel of the same strategy of delegitimizing any opposition. Closing down the option of discussion leaves their opponents with only the option of action. So far, the action has only been in funding campaigns for oppressed pizzerias and in the voting booth – though they’ve trying to nullify that too.
At least some Republican politicians have found their courage.
If the Dems want to impeach President Trump, they probably have the votes. So the normal honest upfront way to do it is to hold a vote to start the impeachment process, if that succeeds then hold a vote in committee, then hold a final floor vote to impeach or not. Again, they probably have enough Dems to win all these votes. It would also give a veneer of legitimacy to the process.
But instead the Dems are acting like, as Rep. Matt Gaetz said, “an angry pack of rabid hyenas.”
You can’t have rational discussions with an angry pack of rabid hyenas. The hyenas will not be satisfied until their prey is destroyed.
I’m reminded of this, from way back in 2015:
Things ain’t gotten better since.