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    It’s mildly surprising that the Associated Press would run this story with such a headline. But a closer look shows the story fails to up to the promise of the headline. Instead it merely interviews a few people who don’t like the proposal and notes that the 1994 so-called assault weapons ban had a grandfather clause that did not include mandatory confiscation. It is a bait and switch.

    Nowhere does it say: “Answer: Beto would order thousands of federal police to forcibly disarm tens of millions of gun owners by confiscating their lawfully purchased firearms, even though some gun owners may feel they have a legal and constitutional right to keep their guns.” (The actual number of “full-time law enforcement officers who were authorized to make arrests and carry firearms in the United States,” is about 120,000 as of 2008.)

    I’m reminded of James Wesley Rawles’ The Mathematics of Countering Tyranny.

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      The #mediajackal that wrote this article–and by legacy media standards, it isn’t entirely horrific–is someone calling themselves Lisa Marie Pane. This is the same #mediajackal that wrote an AP article two weeks ago saying the fact that Americans are free of mandatory federal background checks for private party transfers amounts to “gaps in federal and state law.”

      In other words, this particular #mediajackal, Lisa Marie Pane, views your ability to exercise your Second Amendment rights as a “gap[] in federal and state law.”

      I wonder if Lisa Marie Pane views the lack of background check requirements for women having abortions as “gaps in federal and state law.” It’s easy to imagine how they would work: Is the pregnant woman mentally healthy? Has she been “adjudicated as a mental defective” or “committed to any mental institution?” Has she been counseled by a licensed medical professional about alternatives?

      And is the lack of background check requirements for a journalist or an author a “gap[] in federal and state law?” Etc.

      I note in passing that Lisa Marie Pane, who would like us to view her as a neutral unbiased reporter, previously was a paid mouthpiece for Richard Blumenthal, one of the most anti-self-defense, anti-Second Amendment politicians of our time, who earned an F rating from the NRA. (How many former NRA paid mouthpieces does the Associated Press employ?)

      It’s almost like we call them #mediajackals for a reason…