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    #mediajackal alert!

    The author of this is the same Beltway insider #mediajackal calling himself Rex Nutting who wrote a Obama Hope and Change Appreciation Column titled, bizarrely, “Obama spending binge never happened”.

    This #mediajackal calling himself Rex Nutting yesterday called on the president to resign and has previously called for him (and the attorney general) to be impeached.

    Other Rex Nutting anti-Trump #mediajackal columns include:

    • “After Mueller, Democrats need to realize no one is coming to save us from Trump”
    • “Trump puts his own financial interests first when he badgers the Fed to cut interest rates to zero”
    • “Why there’s no job growth in Trump’s rural heartland”

    I don’t look to Grover Norquist for a dispassionate analysis of a Democrat president. Nor should we look to a Democrat operative with a byline calling himself Rex Nutting for a dispassionate analysis of a Republican president.

    Now, maybe this particular column is actually accurate, but life is short and I’ll look elsewhere for news.