“A federal appeals court on Wednesday struck down Obamacare’s individual mandate in a decision that immediately thrusts the health care law to the forefront of the 2020 elections.
However, the appeals court ruling largely ducked the central question of whether the Affordable Care Act remained valid after Congress removed the penalty for not having health insurance. And it sent the case back to a Texas federal judge who previously ruled the entire law was unconstitutional to reconsider how much of it could survive.”
How much could survive…… how’s ‘bout “none of it”, because it’s ALL blatantly unconstitutional.
…..and all I see in the future is exactly what previously happened: Four aye, four nay and ‘him’….. Roberts: It’s a tax not a fee but it’s a fee not a tax, so everything stands as approved by the typical Democrats who have all sorts of dirt on me.
Gotta get another sane person seated in the nine who actually understands what The Constitution and Bill of Rights mean.
“A federal appeals court on Wednesday struck down Obamacare’s individual mandate in a decision that immediately thrusts the health care law to the forefront of the 2020 elections.
However, the appeals court ruling largely ducked the central question of whether the Affordable Care Act remained valid after Congress removed the penalty for not having health insurance. And it sent the case back to a Texas federal judge who previously ruled the entire law was unconstitutional to reconsider how much of it could survive.”
How much could survive…… how’s ‘bout “none of it”, because it’s ALL blatantly unconstitutional.
…..and all I see in the future is exactly what previously happened: Four aye, four nay and ‘him’….. Roberts: It’s a tax not a fee but it’s a fee not a tax, so everything stands as approved by the typical Democrats who have all sorts of dirt on me.
Gotta get another sane person seated in the nine who actually understands what The Constitution and Bill of Rights mean.