That is obvious, of course. Also what’s obvious is that studying our civilization’s great books, as you might expect in an English class, is racist white supremacist Nazi heteronormative hating. Didn’t you know? English classes are about getting woke and denouncing your privilege!
What is most interesting here is where this is taking place. The location is Wake Forest, a town of about 30,000 in North Carolina. It’s 10 to 20 miles outside of Raleigh. Local websites list visiting the campus of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary as a top thing to do. There are lots and lots of shooting ranges and gun stores, including one titled Old Church Hunting Club.
This is not happening in the weird enclaves of coastal California. This is not happening in a megalopolis like New York City. This is happening in a normal town in a normal high school (well, one everyone would have thought was normal) in a normal state in a normal region.
In a reasonable society this person–Heritage High School “Teacher” Melissa Wilson–would be fired.
Perhaps we might expect to see calls for tarring and feathering this “teacher” and running her out of town. Here’s a link to the “inventory”:
That is obvious, of course. Also what’s obvious is that studying our civilization’s great books, as you might expect in an English class, is racist white supremacist Nazi heteronormative hating. Didn’t you know? English classes are about getting woke and denouncing your privilege!
What is most interesting here is where this is taking place. The location is Wake Forest, a town of about 30,000 in North Carolina. It’s 10 to 20 miles outside of Raleigh. Local websites list visiting the campus of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary as a top thing to do. There are lots and lots of shooting ranges and gun stores, including one titled Old Church Hunting Club.
This is not happening in the weird enclaves of coastal California. This is not happening in a megalopolis like New York City. This is happening in a normal town in a normal high school (well, one everyone would have thought was normal) in a normal state in a normal region.
The contagion has spread.