President Trump can be loud-mouthed, incendiary, and even (Heavens!) a bit rude on Twitter. But when likening this to a coup, is he actually right?
Merriam Webster defines coup d’etat as “a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics,” which seems unsatisfactory. The Cambridge English dictionary gives us “sudden illegal, often violent, taking of government power, especially by part of an army,” which is closer to the mark.
Though at least congressional Dems are being honest and open about their desire to get rid of Trump. It’s the Deep State officials whose names we largely still don’t know who are the bigger threats–and the class of people who “coup” fits even better.
The thing is that Democrats could have just waited 13 months from now and then they would have been rid of Trump. Assuming they could win the election, that is. But as VDH writes, they seem to be unwilling to believe in the quality of their own candidates.
President Trump can be loud-mouthed, incendiary, and even (Heavens!) a bit rude on Twitter. But when likening this to a coup, is he actually right?
Merriam Webster defines coup d’etat as “a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics,” which seems unsatisfactory. The Cambridge English dictionary gives us “sudden illegal, often violent, taking of government power, especially by part of an army,” which is closer to the mark.
Though at least congressional Dems are being honest and open about their desire to get rid of Trump. It’s the Deep State officials whose names we largely still don’t know who are the bigger threats–and the class of people who “coup” fits even better.
The thing is that Democrats could have just waited 13 months from now and then they would have been rid of Trump. Assuming they could win the election, that is. But as VDH writes, they seem to be unwilling to believe in the quality of their own candidates.