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    According to a new declassified ruling from the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), FBI personnel systematically abused National Security Agency (NSA) mass surveillance data in both 2017 and 2018. The 138-page ruling, which dates back to October 2018, was only unsealed 12 months later in October 2019. It offers a rare look at how the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has been abusing the constitutional privacy rights of U.S. citizens with alarming regularity. The court ruling is also a stinging rebuke to the FBI’s overreach of its ability to search surveillance intelligence databases.

    Who will get fired for this? Who will lose their pension? Who will be criminally prosecuted? Who will be imprisoned after a trial and conviction?

    It is true that you and I and normal Americans might view this lawless surveillance as “abuse.” But if there are never any repercussions or consequences for the Deep State people involved, the term “business as usual” is more appropriate.