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    The left has gained cultural and political power by gluing together different ethnic groups. Significant defections threaten their grip on that power.

    So the left needs to pretend, and of course the #mediaJackals go along with it, that minority ethnic groups vote in lockstep, and that minority ethnic groups uniformly believe that Orange Man Bad.

    This is a lie. But it is a lie that supports significant cultural and political power. So removing that support (by calling this lie a lie) will get you attacked.

    Remember how Justice Clarence Thomas has been under attack for decades from the left.

    Also we’re supposed to believe, in the words of some politician calling herself Kirsten Gillibrand in the linked article, that there is a “national emergency of rampant white nationalism”–never mind that the biggest news from the KKK in the last few years is a debate over whether 12 or 13 supporters showed up at their Madison, Indiana rally last September. Any “white nationalists,” if more than a dozen exist, have been successfully exiled to the fringes of society and possess no cultural or political power.

    So this is also a lie. But why is the left pushing it? Who benefits from declaring that there is a “national emergency of rampant white nationalism?”