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    These two things are happening at the same time:

    1. #MediaJackal and political elites falsely are calling Second Amendment advocates, including those good souls who peaceably assembled in Richmond last week, extremists and kooky and dangerous and worse. The latest falsehood is “white nationalist.” It is not only the New Yorker. See this compilation video.

    2. Second Amendment advocates (and normals who pay attention) know the truth about those good souls who peaceably assembled in Richmond last week. Elected sheriffs showed up with protect-the-2A banners, racial minorities joined the pro-2A gathering, and a bunch of anti-2A interlopers from California spent the day there unmolested. The whole thing looked like a lot of fun.

    #MediaJackals and political elites believe that the term “white nationalist” will be a show-stopper. They believe it will cause normals to reconcile in horror from 2A advocates–and cause 2A advocates to be wary of future gatherings.

    The danger, from the point of view of #MediaJackals and political elites, is what happens if the falsehood “white nationalist” loses its sting among normals. Most of the people who gathered in Richmond were white, reflecting the majority-white population of Virginia. We can guess that most of them were Trump-esque nationalists in wanting enforceable borders, an “America First” foreign policy, and laws that prioritize Americans over foreigners.

    If white, nationalist Second Amendment advocates keep getting told they’re “white nationalists,” they might start thinking about what happens if they drop the comma. I do not know if this will happen. But I wonder if the #MediaJackals and political elites have thought through the consequences of their falsehoods.