But the government being the government, it doesn’t produce the nice map overlay. And more importantly it doesn’t take the next step of calling every single solitary Trump donor a “racist.”
First we were called bitter clingers. Then we were called deplorables. Now we’re called racists. And racists have no place in polite society–they’re worse than ax murderers, who at least can redeem themselves by taking lots of goodthink reeducation extra-diverse anti-racism classes in prison. Racists can never be redeemed.
Race-blind Normals are getting woke to what the left really wants to do to them.
The site now says:
In reality these data are publicly available. Just go here, for instance, to see Trump donors in the Belly of the Swamp Beast itself, zip 20001: https://www.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/?committee_id=C00580100&contributor_zip=20001&two_year_transaction_period=2020&min_date=01%2F01%2F2019&max_date=12%2F31%2F2020
But the government being the government, it doesn’t produce the nice map overlay. And more importantly it doesn’t take the next step of calling every single solitary Trump donor a “racist.”
First we were called bitter clingers. Then we were called deplorables. Now we’re called racists. And racists have no place in polite society–they’re worse than ax murderers, who at least can redeem themselves by taking lots of goodthink reeducation extra-diverse anti-racism classes in prison. Racists can never be redeemed.
Race-blind Normals are getting woke to what the left really wants to do to them.