Date/Time |
Moderator |
Story/Comment/User, Action, Reason |
2020-07-04 19:09 -0500 |
Tag: culturalrevolution
Action: Created new tag with id '78', with tag 'culturalrevolution', with description 'Cultural Revolution in America', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with inactive 'false', with hotness_mod '0.01' |
2020-05-31 14:56 -0500 |
Tag: insurrection
Action: Updating tag insurrection, changed tag from 'Insurrection' to 'insurrection' |
2020-05-31 14:55 -0500 |
Tag: insurrection
Action: Created new tag with id '77', with tag 'Insurrection', with description 'Insurrection by Antifa, far-left violent agitators', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with inactive 'false', with hotness_mod '0.01' |
2020-05-02 23:48 -0500 |
Tag: donkilmer
Action: Updating tag donkilmer, changed hotness_mod from '8.0' to '7.0' |
2020-04-21 18:56 -0500 |
Tag: endthelockdown
Action: Created new tag with id '76', with tag 'endthelockdown', with description 'End the COVID-19 coronavirus "emergency" lockdown', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with inactive 'false', with hotness_mod '0.01' |
2020-04-18 15:36 -0500 |
Tag: donkilmer
Action: Updating tag donkilmer, changed hotness_mod from '9.0' to '8.0' |
2020-04-18 15:34 -0500 |
Tag: donkilmer
Action: Updating tag donkilmer, changed hotness_mod from '10.0' to '9.0' |
2020-03-25 17:59 -0500 |
Tag: emergencyabuse
Action: Created new tag with id '75', with tag 'emergencyabuse', with description 'Abuse of power during coronavirus or other "emergency"', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with inactive 'false', with hotness_mod '0.05' |
2020-03-06 12:55 -0600 |
Tag: donkilmer
Action: Created new tag with id '74', with tag 'donkilmer', with description 'Don Kilmer's original essays', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with inactive 'false', with hotness_mod '10.0' |
2020-03-04 13:06 -0600 |
Tag: police
Action: Updating tag police, changed description from 'Police' to 'Police, sheriffs, law enforcement' |
2020-02-14 12:13 -0600 |
Tag: pandemics
Action: Updating tag pandemics, changed description from 'Pandemics, infectious diseases, coronavirus' to 'Pandemics, infectious diseases, coronavirus, COVID-19, 2019-nCOV' |
2020-02-14 10:34 -0600 |
Tag: politics
Action: Updating tag politics, changed description from 'Politics' to 'Politics, elections, 2020 campaign' |
2020-02-11 14:40 -0600 |
Tag: socialism
Action: Updating tag socialism, changed description from 'Socialism, Communism, Leftism' to 'Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Leftism' |
2020-02-08 01:29 -0600 |
Tag: family
Action: Updating tag family, changed description from 'Family and parenting' to 'Family, children, and parenting' |
2020-02-08 01:29 -0600 |
Tag: environmentalism
Action: Updating tag environmentalism, changed description from 'Environmentalism, EPA & regs' to 'Environmentalism, climate change, EPA & regs' |
2020-02-05 14:53 -0600 |
Tag: civilwar2
Action: Updating tag civilwar2, changed description from 'Civil War 2.0' to 'Civil War 2.0, Secession, Partition' |
2020-01-31 14:08 -0600 |
Tag: europe
Action: Created new tag with id '73', with tag 'europe', with description 'Europe, U.K., Brexit', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with inactive 'false', with hotness_mod '0.0' |
2020-01-31 13:24 -0600 |
Tag: pandemics
Action: Created new tag with id '72', with tag 'pandemics', with description 'Pandemics, infectious diseases, coronavirus', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with inactive 'false', with hotness_mod '0.01' |
2019-12-31 00:09 -0600 |
Tag: health
Action: Updating tag health, changed description from 'Health care & regulation' to 'Health care, medicine & regulation' |
2019-12-26 13:11 -0600 |
Tag: virginia
Action: Created new tag with id '71', with tag 'virginia', with description 'Virginia', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with inactive 'false', with hotness_mod '0.01' |
2019-12-20 13:01 -0600 |
Tag: impeachment
Action: Created new tag with id '70', with tag 'impeachment', with description 'Impeachment and Senate trial', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with inactive 'false', with hotness_mod '0.02' |
2019-11-18 23:16 -0600 |
Tag: gunrights
Action: Updating tag gunrights, changed description from 'Gun rights & the Second Amendment' to 'Gun rights, self defense, and the Second Amendment' |
2019-11-18 12:59 -0600 |
Tag: socialism
Action: Updating tag socialism, changed description from 'Socialism and Communism' to 'Socialism, Communism, Leftism' |
2019-11-06 20:12 -0600 |
Tag: socialism
Action: Updating tag socialism, changed description from 'Socialism' to 'Socialism and Communism' |
2019-10-26 02:31 -0500 |
Tag: essays
Action: Updating tag essays, changed hotness_mod from '7.5' to '7.0' |
2019-10-26 02:31 -0500 |
Tag: essays
Action: Updating tag essays, changed hotness_mod from '7.0' to '7.5' |
2019-10-26 02:31 -0500 |
Tag: essays
Action: Updating tag essays, changed hotness_mod from '8.0' to '7.0' |
2019-10-26 02:31 -0500 |
Tag: essays
Action: Updating tag essays, changed hotness_mod from '10.0' to '8.0' |
2019-10-22 15:13 -0500 |
Tag: politicizedscience
Action: Created new tag with id '69', with tag 'politicizedscience', with description 'Politicized Science', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with inactive 'false', with hotness_mod '0.0' |
2019-10-07 00:44 -0500 |
Tag: foreignpolicy
Action: Updating tag foreignpolicy, changed description from 'Foreign policy and diplomacy' to 'Foreign policy & diplomacy' |
2019-10-07 00:43 -0500 |
Tag: foreignpolicy
Action: Created new tag with id '68', with tag 'foreignpolicy', with description 'Foreign policy and diplomacy', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with inactive 'false', with hotness_mod '-0.01' |
2019-10-04 00:43 -0500 |
Tag: events
Action: Updating tag events, changed hotness_mod from '0.08' to '0.0' |
2019-10-03 17:48 -0500 |
Tag: events
Action: Created new tag with id '67', with tag 'events', with description 'Events', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with inactive 'false', with hotness_mod '0.08' |
2019-07-09 16:27 -0500 |
Tag: paywall
Action: Created new tag with id '66', with tag 'paywall', with description 'Paywalled stories', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with inactive 'false', with hotness_mod '-0.01' |
2019-07-09 11:17 -0500 |
Tag: donaldtrump
Action: Updating tag donaldtrump, changed description from 'Donald Trump' to 'President Donald Trump' |
2019-07-02 23:22 -0500 |
Tag: fixbigtech
Action: Updating tag fixbigtech, changed description from 'How to fix Big Tech' to 'How to fix Big Tech: Remedies' |
2019-06-26 19:35 -0500 |
Tag: poll
Action: Updating tag poll, changed description from 'Polls and results' to 'Polls and surveys' |
2019-06-26 19:34 -0500 |
Tag: poll
Action: Created new tag with id '65', with tag 'poll', with description 'Polls and results', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with inactive 'false', with hotness_mod '-0.01' |
2019-06-25 11:33 -0500 |
Tag: show
Action: Created new tag with id '64', with tag 'show', with description 'Show', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with inactive 'false', with hotness_mod '0.0' |
2019-06-25 11:32 -0500 |
Tag: transcript
Action: Created new tag with id '63', with tag 'transcript', with description 'Transcript', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'true', with inactive 'false', with hotness_mod '0.0' |
2019-06-25 11:32 -0500 |
Tag: audio
Action: Created new tag with id '62', with tag 'audio', with description 'Audio', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'true', with inactive 'false', with hotness_mod '0.0' |
2019-06-25 11:32 -0500 |
Tag: ask
Action: Created new tag with id '61', with tag 'ask', with description 'Ask', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with inactive 'false', with hotness_mod '0.0' |
2019-06-25 11:24 -0500 |
Tag: pdf
Action: Created new tag with id '60', with tag 'pdf', with description 'PDF', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'true', with inactive 'false', with hotness_mod '0.0' |
2019-06-24 21:23 -0500 |
Tag: deplatforming
Action: Created new tag with id '59', with tag 'deplatforming', with description 'Deplatforming by Big Tech', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with inactive 'false', with hotness_mod '0.05' |
2019-06-16 19:09 -0500 |
Tag: police
Action: Created new tag with id '58', with tag 'police', with description 'Police', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with inactive 'false', with hotness_mod '-0.01' |
2019-06-16 18:27 -0500 |
Tag: meta
Action: Created new tag with id '57', with tag 'meta', with description 'Meta', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with inactive 'false', with hotness_mod '-0.01' |
2019-06-16 18:27 -0500 |
Tag: fixbigtech
Action: Created new tag with id '56', with tag 'fixbigtech', with description 'How to fix Big Tech', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with inactive 'false', with hotness_mod '0.01' |
2019-06-16 18:27 -0500 |
Tag: deathpenalty
Action: Created new tag with id '55', with tag 'deathpenalty', with description 'Death penalty', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with inactive 'false', with hotness_mod '-0.01' |
2019-06-14 00:15 -0500 |
Tag: lawfare
Action: Created new tag with id '54', with tag 'lawfare', with description 'Lawfare', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with inactive 'false', with hotness_mod '0.05' |
2019-06-07 10:36 -0500 |
Tag: firearms
Action: Updating tag firearms, changed description from 'Firearm product news, announcements' to 'Firearm product news, shooting events, announcements' |